Project in San Francisco Bay – San Francisco, CA
San Francisco is a beautiful city famous for both the bay it is named after and the bridges that cross it. As is the case with all bridges, particularly those over salt water and in very active seismic areas, these structures needed upgrading. The longest of these bridges is the one between Richmond and San Rafael. The upgrading of this structure is a $450,000,000 U.S. project that requires an extraordinary amount of work on the piers below the low tide line. This is an environmentally sensitive area and the work had to be carried out while the bridge was still in service. To address these and other problems the owner developed a specification for the grout required in the annular space between the existing pier and the new seismic collars. Target Products got the call to design a grout to meet that design specification and the placability requirements of the contractor. The result was Target Anti-Washout Grout.
Target started supplying material in September of 2001 and will continue until this phase of the project was complete, in 2004.